If you could develop a drug against any disease...
What are the considerations when deciding which disease to pursue?
Hello friends,
As you know, this newsletter is focused on the pursuit of a new medicine using a DIY approach.
I’m currently using an AI platform for the first step of drug discovery. This first step is called ‘target identification’.
Long before a medicine enters into human clinical trials, scientists need to decide on a biological target (a protein, RNA or gene that is causing the disease).
Once we have confidence in the target, we can design a small molecule or biologic drug that will engage with the target in a manner that treats or cures the disease…
Ok, so what disease should we go after?
This is an incredibly important question.
Suffering exists in the world and a good drug can eliminate some of that suffering. But, there are a hundred hurdles on the path towards a broadly distributed medicine.
Choosing the right disease to hunt down, is a big part of charting a course towards success.
To help me approach this question, I’ve created the table below. The table lays out some key considerations that a scientist or biotech company would consider when deciding on their disease of interest.
Please look over the table and share any thoughts with me. What did I miss?
I am not sure there is any precise or formulaic equation one can use when deciding on a disease of interest. I think you need to consider all of the points above and then determine what makes the most sense based on your background, expertise and resources.
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Thanks for following along,
Kevin Curran PhD
Rising Tide Biology, kevin@risingtidebio.com